Lt. Col. Anthony Barnes Reinhardt

Formerly the de facto commander of the Natural Guard and Jocasta’s commanding officer, then operating under Langley cover with an interest in supra-normal human performance and the military applications thereof. Reinhardt shuffled the Natural Guard into SANDMAN, basically liquidated corporate-takeover-style, as the point person in a concerted effort between the Pentagon, CIA, and SANDMAN. His remit was sort of an expert-without-portfolio in Weird enhancements of human physical performance. He was affiliated with OZYMANDIAS, later known to URIEL as the “Continuity Working Group.”

He was big into hot tubbing, macrobiotics, and listening to Alan Watts lectures. He was also part of the team in charge of the INDIGO Program — perhaps even the man in charge himself. He served with URIEL for about a year as the mysterious “Sixth Man.” When he left Livermore at the end of 1972, he used a reality shard to wipe the team’s memory of him.

And now! Slot 6! Appropriately enough, this slot on the board is for the Sixth Man, who was with URIEL throughout calendar year 1972, replacing Mystic Kate and leaving before Jocasta joined up earlier this year.

Archie looks for the file, but can't remember the name of who he's supposed to be looking for.

He tries to think about the Sixth Man's face to find his photo in one of the personnel files, but he can't remember what he looked like.

He's now sweating a little bit, racking his brain for anything about the Sixth Man: his specialty, the missions he contributed to, his favorite meal at the Livermore cafeteria: nothing, nothing, nothing.

Archie's not imagining the Sixth Man, is he? There definitely was someone part of the team from a week after Mystic Kate's retirement party until a few weeks before Jocasta showed up.

The History of Operation URIEL

Anthony invited Jocasta out for a drink at the Cliff House in August 1973. There he revealed his latest pet project: Chöd.

And in that book I found a tantalizing reference to a special tantric ritual, an esoteric Vajrayana practice in which the human mind dives deep into its most frightening aspects: our shared desires to dominate and be dominated, to eat flesh and drink blood and to be eaten and drunk in return, our acceptance of rot and ruin and death and primal, animal fear, a walk through the fearful field full of vulture-torn sky-buried corpses … only to come out cleansed, perfected, an elevated soul sliced free of the veil of maya. The ritual of Cutting Through. The Tibetans call it Chöd. Do you know who originally developed it? A post-Ontoclysm mystic. And not just any mystic, but a nun. Machig Labdrön, an esteemed woman Buddhist of the 12th century, an emanation of certain revered Masters who'd gone before and reincarnated back into saṃsāra. With it she healed the sick. The practitioner would empty themselves and provide a ladder for themselves and others, purifying the self and eventually ascending to Nirvāṇa. And in investigating the original texts, I saw the most intriguing references to this ritual banishing demons: internal ones, do you understand? The kind of mind-poison that can birth monsters from the lower realms, outside of reality. … This ritual. It kills the Anunnakku within us.

Anthony floated the idea of Jocasta acting as a "death goddess" for a new "working group" he is developing — a creche of chödpas, children who have undergone the ritual of Cutting Through, have experienced ego death, and who will be trained as the ultimate weapon against the Anunnaki.

Anthony turned up in Huntsville, Alabama, during Operation ALLOCHTHON at a private meeting between Sidney Gottlieb, Jolly West, Frank Stanton (remotely by telephone), and Marshall Redgrave. He propositioned Marshall to join OZYMANDIAS, but didn’t account for Marshall shooting himself in the head. When URIEL burst into the scene, Mitch lit the fucker up. Jocasta absconded with his body while still barely alive for a cross-country journey; after he died, she and Marshall buried his corpse in an unmarked grave deep in the New Mexico desert.